Pediatric occupational therapy is designed to help children that suffer from physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities. The skills learned in this type of therapy allow children to develop healthy habits, which will help them live happier and more independently. Depending on the specific needs of your child, your child may undergo a variety of different therapies. Some of the more common types of pediatric occupational therapy include:
1. Coordination Therapy
Designed to help children use their arms and legs more effectively, coordination therapy is split into two types: bilateral and hand-eye. In most situations, children will undergo both types of therapy to improve their coordination.
Bilateral therapy will focus on using both sides of the body simultaneously and together. For this therapy, your child may be asked to pull a rope using both hands. They might also be asked to build or roll out objects.
Hand-eye coordination therapy will involve tasks that utilize both the hands and eyes. Sports are a fantastic activity for children needing to develop these skills. Hitting a ball, catching toys, or even pointing to objects can help your child develop these skills.
2. Visual Therapy
Visual therapy helps children recognize and understand information. This is a very important skill, as it ensures that your child can read and write. Children undergoing visual therapy may be asked to name shapes, colors, or even recite the alphabet. If you want to help your child at home, consider creating flash cards. Fruits, colors, and shapes are all great objects to include on your flash cards. While this might be simple, regular play with the flash cards will help improve their visual perception.
3. Motor Skill Therapy
Finally, motor skill therapy can help your child control their body better. Similar to coordination therapy, motor skill therapy is split into two categories: fine and gross motor skills. Depending on the needs of your child, you might want to practice one or both of these therapies.
Fine motor therapy focuses on helping the child control their fingers, hands, and arms. This is very important, as fine motor skills are used in daily life. Some good activities for children developing fine motor skills include coloring, writing, and cutting items with safety scissors. Video or tablet games may also help your child develop fine motor skills.
Gross motor therapy focuses more on controlling the body. Often times, sports are used to help children develop gross motor skills. Sports such as swimming, walking, and biking are all good options. These activities will help children control their core and shoulders. Hopscotch, jump rope, and hiking are all good activities to help your child develop gross motor skills.
As you can see, there are many different activities that can help your child develop the skills they need. If your child is undergoing pediatric occupational therapy, consider implementing these activities into your daily routine. If your child is not comfortable with these activities, ask your doctor for other at-home activity suggestions.
For more information about Pediatric Occupational Therapy, talk to groups like ABC Pediatric Therapy.