If you have a loved one who is dealing with a drug addiction you are probably wondering what you can do to help them get on track again. There are many people who have a loved one and know they need to talk to them about the problem but are worried about how to approach it. Here are some ways that you can talk to your loved one about their addiction.

1. Come From A Place Of Love

The surest way to scare away your loved one or turn them away from getting help is to make them feel like they are on the defensive. If you are accusatory and make them feel like you blame them for problems in your life, they will likely become defensive and not respond in a humble way that accepts help.

Instead, when you talk to your loved one, first let them know how much you care about them. Make them feel your concern for them and show them that this is because you want what is best for them.

2. You Can Let Them Know It Is Affecting You

Just because you are coming from a place of love doesn't mean that you can't be honest about the problem is affecting you. Many time addicts think they are skilled at making it seem as though they are the only ones dealing with the affects of the addiction. This is not true, family and friends suffer greatly. This is why it is ok to let them know how hurt you are. Rather than accuse them, simply show them the times that the addiction has negatively impacted your life. It is best to have concrete examples. So rather than saying "you miss important family events" you should say "you never showed up for Bryan's 50th birthday party" or "we all missed Christmas Eve party to come and look for you" and so forth. This will help them see that their addiction is hurting others and not just themselves.

3. Have Action Plans

Lastly, don't just bring up the problem without having some possible treatment options. You should research some treatment centers, therapists, medications and so forth that you can present to the person. This way when the person admits their need for help you will have options right there. You don't want them to feel hopeless about it, but realistic about the fact that they need professional help.

By doing these things you increase your chances of having a successful intervention. For more information, contact a business such as RECOVERY COACH OF PALM BEACH.
