While mostly diagnosed in children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can continue affecting you as you grow well into your adulthood. In addition, many adults are not diagnosed with this disorder until they are older. Also known as ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may affect your ability to complete normal tasks and activities. Many adults struggle living normal lives because they have not been diagnosed or received treatment for ADHD. With this guide, you will learn the signs and treatment options for adults with ADHD.


In most cases, children are diagnosed easier than adults because they are evaluated by teachers and staff in school. However, adults are not automatically evaluated, so you may not even realize you are living with this disorder.

One of the most common signs of ADHD in adults is a difficulty focusing on tasks. You may start one task, either at home or work, and then move to a completely new task. You may also have trouble getting and staying organized.

Because you cannot focus on one task, you may also live a more dangerous lifestyle. Many adults with ADHD are involved in automobile accidents because of their inability to focus. Not only are you unable to focus, but you may also fidget a lot while riding or driving in a vehicle.

Marital stress and relationship issues are also common with adults who have ADHD. These issues may develop because you are unable to listen, focus, and act properly. You may not even be able to have a normal conversation with your spouse or partner.

Finally, adults with ADHD often turn to alcohol or illegal drugs in an attempt to cope with the symptoms of ADHD. This can lead to even more issues, both physically and emotionally, which can also affect your lifestyle and relationships.


If you believe you have ADHD, talk to your doctor today. Your primary care physician may refer you to a specialist for further testing.

Prescription medications are common in patients with ADHD. These medications can ease the physical and emotional symptoms of the disorder. Therapy can also be beneficial. Therapists will counsel you and your family to help learn coping mechanisms to make living with ADHD easier and less dangerous. Combined together, medication and counseling can help you live a normal, productive life even though you have been diagnosed with ADHD.

If you or a loved one are showing signs of ADHD, help is available. For more information, talk to your doctor or an organization such as Associated Psychologists & Counselors today.
